February 2016
by Elaine Voci, Ph.D.
“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.” Albert Einstein

life is full of rituals, and some are so widely accepted that they are taken
for granted. Valentine’s Day, held
on February 14th of every year, is a good example of a ritual that
is enacted in much of the Western world; it has grown into an $18 billion a
year celebration in the U.S. alone.
What makes Valentine’s Day rituals so appealing to so many people?
openers, it has a fascinating and colorful history rooted in an ancient Roman
fertility festival called Lupercalia that was held annually in mid-February to
celebrate spring, fertility and love.
The event featured a giant matchmaking lottery. Single girls would write their names on
papers which were placed in giant urns.
Bachelors would pick a girl’s name out and then spend the entire year
caring for her. (One way to ensure fertility in the community.) The ritual
continued into France and England during the Middle Ages with an added
feature: some bachelors would draw
a heart on their sleeve with their chosen girl’s name written in the middle of
it – hence the origin of the phrase to “wear your heart on your sleeve.”
The story
took an interesting turn in the third century when Roman Emperor Claudius II
outlawed marriage because he wanted to go to war and was convinced that if men
were happy at home they wouldn’t want to leave. A Christian priest whose name
was – wait for it - Valentine, felt sorry for couples and married them in
secret defiance of the Emperor. When
Claudius found out, he promptly put Valentine in jail and then had him executed
on – yes, February 14th. To add a romantic twist to this tale, it seems that Valentine
himself developed a loving relationship with the jail keeper’s blind daughter
during his imprisonment, and signed all his letters to her with “from your Valentine.”
Valentine’s Day rituals continue to preserve this cultural heritage that emphasizes
romantic love between couples, and they also promote and honor love itself. We celebrate love because we know
how important it is to our life, to our health and well-being, to our global connection
with the rest of the human family, and to our identity and sense of place first
formed in relationships that are with us from the womb to the tomb. Here are three rituals for Valentine’s
Day in honor of Love:
Make a
commitment to love yourself – be kind, caring and compassionate and even
consider “marrying” yourself by writing a set of vows that you pledge to live out
for the rest of your life.
Soak in a tub
of herbal essence that you and your sweetheart can enjoy together; Epson salts
now come in a wide variety of scents, you can add fresh rose petals, lavender
oil or even a half-dozen cloth bags of herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint,
or orange flavored to make your soak a healing and sensual experience that
could become a regular ritual.
Adopt a rescue
dog – you will never know love the way a shelter animal loves you; that
precious love, so deep and heartfelt, will heal you both on a daily basis.
closing, it is understood that ritual is one of the defining characteristics of
being human and we are drawn to rituals of love as expressions of our highest
ideals and our deepest feelings; even the most taciturn among us finds it hard
to resist sending Valentine’s cards and sharing in the celebrations that mark
this special day. As Thomas Merton wrote, “Love is our true destiny.
We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with
Elaine Voci is a graduate of the Celebrant
Foundation & Institute class of 2014, and life coach in private practice in
Carmel, IN. A published author of
four books, she writes a monthly newsletter and blog at www.elainevoci.com and is the Editor of
this blog for the Celebrant Foundation & Institute.
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