Advice is Like Snow
By Marilyn Dion, Life-Cycle Celebrant
As you are all well aware, Life-Cycle Celebrants™ are something like the pioneers of the days of old – foraging along new paths, establishing landmarks and supporting each other on our respective journeys. We have incredible access to information and a network that has been built by those that have gone before us. We consult each other, praise each other and extend hands of friendship across the miles -kindred spirits all! When we are asked to assess a new celebrant for the speaking skills segment of various courses, we agree. We share tips and pointers. In my case, I believe in what I call the ‘sandwich approach’, a technique used by Toastmasters to help train professional speakers. In essence it is this - a positive, a growth point, and a positive – a verbal sandwich. The method shelters sensitivity while boosting self-esteem – truly accomplishing what it is intended to do. I believe we Life-Cycle Celebrants™ are a rare commodity in that we are not directly in competition with each other and that the stronger we are as individuals, the stronger we are collectively.
I asked one of my mentees her thoughts on the mentoring she received from me over the last year. This is what she shared: “It is with the deepest respect and admiration that I write about my mentoring experience with you. It has been just under a year that I completed the Wedding Celebrant training with CF&I and even though I learned a lot I was not mentally ready to deal with my first client's request. Marilyn is always just a phone call away. She calmed my nerves and coached me on how to respond to my client's questions. After I got the booking, she was instrumental in helping me to craft the best ceremony as we exchanged ideas. I came away from the experience feeling empowered and ready to perform more ceremonies. Having her as a mentor gives me confidence and I know I'm not alone when I'm struggling with a question. She is my role model. A woman who is funny, creative, smart and has a heartfelt desire to help others. Through this experience we have become good friends and my life is better for knowing her.” “Better for knowing her’ – I echo that from my perspective. You see it works both ways – she found me to help teach her, but I found her to show her what I have learned. Mentoring or coaching enables me to pass on what I know and what I have learned – things not necessarily found in books or articles. Practical tips, a few laughs, affirmations, ways that ground me and make life full and worthwhile. She contacted me through a mutual friend asking about becoming a Celebrant and I was only too happy to share my perspective and refer her to our delightful
Charlotte Eulette. I love hearing about her successes and sharing her joy. She thoughtfully drops off little gifts that make me feel special but her biggest gift to me is meaning and balance - mentor meaning. She helps me to feel that I contribute and that I make a difference – both to her and her clients. What is a mentor, if not the wise advice giver – giver of often crucial advice and in our case perhaps significant to an epic love story or exemplary life story. It is reminding another that they know it just as well as you do. It is another who tells you they believe, that they not only see the possibilities in you but reveal them to you.
A mentor leads you through the briars and tumbleweeds of your own mind obstacles and blows them away with a smile and a kind thought. A mentor honours the delicate beauty in the individual and nurtures the sprouting seeds of uniqueness. When I mentor through TLC encouragement, what I do gives way to the opportunity for greatness as the mentee creates themselves – exactly as it should be! Take this as a call to action – be the best mentor you can be, knowing that, like in the words of Samuel Taylor Coleridge – “Advice is like snow, the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.”
Marilyn Dion began her career as secretary for the Federal Tri-Level Conferences, became one of the first female life insurance underwriters, a shopping center marketing director, general manager and a museum curator. Today she enjoys her favorite job as a Life-Cycle Celebrant® writing and officiating at ceremonies to help others celebrate their milestones in personalized meaningful ways. Find more information about Marilyn at
Feel free to reach out to Marilyn at Marilyn Dion
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