BREAKING NEWS: Celebrants support President Obama signs sweeping religious freedom law
President Barack Obama signed the Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Act, approved by the House last week. This new law gives the president and the U.S. State Department better resources and tools to fight extremism against any religious group, including those who are non religious.
This is a watershed moment for all those who have been persecuted, or coerced to join any religion, worldwide. It is especially meaningful to those who identify themselves as atheists, non-religious people and humanists. The law also condemns “specific targeting of non-theists, humanists, and atheists because of their beliefs” and all attempts to forcibly compel “non-believers or non-theists to recant their beliefs or to convert.”
Charlotte Eulette, Celebrant Foundation & Institutes’ International Director says, “President Obama has boldly freed a large population of Americans who are now liberated and can genuinely live and celebrate their lives in a way that is authentic and meaningful to them. Future generations will benefit tremendously. For years to come he will be remembered and hailed for passing this bill that will keep America, the great melting-pot of the world, in the forefront as a country that continues it’s time-honored tradition to support all of its people. ”
Recent studies, including the PEW Study, show that non-believers are now the largest religious group, gaining (non) converts faster than any other sector. On a generational basis, this percentage is increasing, and many former religious houses of worship, are now being kept open, on the basis of tourism.
The International Federation of Celebrants a worldwide organization and the Celebrant Foundation & Institute located in New Jersey, hails this bi-partisan, common sense bill, for acknowledging and protecting this basic human right.
The Celebrant Foundation & Institute, is a US non-profit education organization founded in 2001, teaching people to become certified Life-Cycle Celebrants© . Certified Celebrants worldwide create and officiate at millions of personal rite-of-passage, life-cycle ceremonies such as: weddings, funerals, baby welcomings, healing and transition and community ceremonies for people from all walks of life no matter of race, color, sexual identity or creed. Celebrants are inclusive of all beings, not exclusive.
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