By Marguerite H Griffin
On or about March 20 each year, daylight and darkness are nearly
equal in all parts of the world. In the northern hemisphere, we embrace the
vernal equinox as the beginning of spring. It’s is the time for spring cleaning
and for letting go of the old and embracing the new. As temperatures gradually
rise and spirits become buoyant, we recommit to New Year’s resolutions made in
the darkness of winter and imagine moving forward to a brighter future.
In ancient civilizations, clocks and calendars made use of the
light to mark the seasons for sowing seeds and harvesting crops.
Today, we may reflect on the seeds that we’ve planted and the work we’ve done
in the gardens of our relationships, our families, and our life’s path. We can
contemplate things lost and gained and consider how to make room for new
• Examine those areas in your life where you may
feel challenged, inert, or stuck.
• Consider first your external environment. Imagine
how you’d like to make space for abundance, clarity, or simplicity.
• Consider your internal environment—your personal
habits, practices, and proclivities. How are your dreams coming along? What
would you like to have or create more of as spring progresses to summer?
Beginning again may be as simple as undertaking a new activity,
one that will remind you of your commitment to growth. You might decide to keep a daily journal and
review it at each full moon. Or you might want to take up a new hobby, assist
with planting flower bulbs in a community garden, or participate in a
meditation or yoga class.
Especially at transitional times, give yourself the gift of time.
Include in that gift the permission to experience a new thing each day. You can
top off your gift to yourself by listing those things for which you are already
grateful. As you reconnect to the rhythm of your life, be open to sharing your
experiences with others!
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MARGUERITE H. GRIFFIN is a Life-Cycle Celebrant® with certification in Weddings and Funerals. She lives in Chicago and can be reached by email at or through her website,
Life-Cycle Ceremonies: A Handbook for Your Whole Life
How do you commemorate momentous events? Memorialize people who have shaped you? Draw support from those you hold dear? This primer offers methods for honoring the special occasions in your life with humor and grace. Its ceremonies help ground each day in the wholeness that supports our entire lives. Each ceremony has been vetted by a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® affiliated with the Celebrant Foundation and Institute, which offers training and support for celebrants worldwide. Visit us at

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