Change and renewal are themes in life. We keep growing, the Earth
keeps changing, and life itself
constantly challenges us to adapt to what is new and different. We need renewal to remain vital, alive and healthy. We need to be active in change and conscious of the world and all of its inhabitants living together harmoniously and - to taking care of our mother Earth.
constantly challenges us to adapt to what is new and different. We need renewal to remain vital, alive and healthy. We need to be active in change and conscious of the world and all of its inhabitants living together harmoniously and - to taking care of our mother Earth.

Expanding the definition of Memorial Day, think about the
men and women who put their lives on the line for our country. Rosa Parks and
Harriet Tubman put their lives on the line to make advancements for human
rights. Also think of our Indigenous people and supporters from all over the
world, including our military, who have taken a stand at Standing Rock as
water protectors
We honor persons on Memorial Day who:
· died
in the line of duty,
· are
willing to fight to make theUS and the world better
The world needs nurturing and people to keep our liberties strong. We, all of us, should never take for granted our liberties and rights.
With renewal in nature all around us as well as holidays to make us remember the present, past and future, we color the month of May bright with love, intention, action and remembrances. As the poet, Edwin Way Teale, so aptly wrote, “The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.” And they are! - The Celebrant Troubadour

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Life-Cycle Ceremonies: A Handbook for Your Whole Life
How do you commemorate momentous events? Memorialize people who have shaped you? Draw support from those you hold dear? This primer offers methods for honoring the special occasions in your life with humor and grace. Its ceremonies help ground each day in the wholeness that supports our entire lives. Each ceremony has been vetted by a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® affiliated with the Celebrant Foundation and Institute, which offers training and support for celebrants worldwide. Visit us at
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The Celebrant Troubadour: Time to Honor Courage this Memorial Day
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